MP for Kensington

 Shame on this Government. Listen to the people; find your humanity. Grenfell Britain is your legacy—let us change it.

Emma Dent Coad, Budget Debate, November 2017

In June 2017 Emma made history when she was elected Kensington’s first ever Labour Member of Parliament. Just 6 days after her election the tragic Grenfell Tower fire saw 72 local residents lose their lives in the worst residential fire since world war II.

Emma made seeking justice for the 72 her priority as Kensington’s MP.

During her time in Parliament Emma helped to raise awareness of the negligence that led to Grenfell and the way that the survivors of Grenfell were continuing to be failed by RBKC. From securing Parliamentary debates on fire safety, to repeatedly questioning the then Prime Minister on her response to the tragedy – Emma was a constant thorn in the side of the Government as they tried to brush past a national tragedy.

Emma hosted regular constituency surgeries and processed more than 11,000 pieces of casework. Emma also organised local meetings to support constituents, from meeting between housing association managers and tenants to multiple talks by a lawyer specialised in EU Immigration Law for EU residents.

Emma served as the Parliamentary Private Secretary to the Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office, Jon Trickett MP and sat on the Work & Pensions Select Committee. She was also Vice-Chair or Chair of multiple All-Party Parliamentary Groups including Fire Safety & Rescue, Planning, Leasehold Reform and the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Key Votes as the Member of Parliament for Kensington:

  • Voted for increasing Local Government Funding
  • Voted for scraping the bedroom tax
  • Voted for bold measures to tackle climate change
  • Voted for measures to reduce tax avoidance
  • Voted for increasing Police officer numbers
  • Voted for helping WASPI women
  • Voted for scrapping and replace Universal Credit
  • Voted for higher pay for Public Sector Workers
  • Voted for higher taxes on Banks
  • Voted for increasing the minimum wage
  • Voted for increasing Government Transparency
  • Voted for abolishing letting agent fees

Full Voting Record

All Parliamentary Speeches

Early Day Motions Signed 

2017 Election Celebration